Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy Surprises

Wow.  I get surprised a lot, don't I? 
In any case, today did not start out well.  Do you ever have those dreams where someone does something that really ticks you off, and you just wake up grouchy?  Yeah, that was me this morning.  I don't even remember what Miah had done to make me mad in my dream, but I was miffed.
So I went to work rather grouchy.  I was not happy.  But then someone did something that restored my faith in humanity!
Tier, in customer services, bought us all frosties. :)  She is a lovely person.
But the happy surprises didn't end there!  At the end of the day my uber-supervisor (technically he's my actually supervisor, but he supervises EVERYTHING!!) pulled my group aside and said if we all reached our goal for this month, we'd each get two tickets to the super-expensive local movie theatres!  And then, when I came home, guess what super-awesome roommate left happy notes all over the place for me?!  You rock so much, Kay!
And that, my friends, is how you turn a rotten week into a pleasant one!

Fare thee well, friend!

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